Welcome to a game of Chance and Skill!

The goal of this game is to advance as far up the grid as possible!

Instructions on how to play and a detailed screen shot with information can be found further below.

About How I Made The Game:

When I make games I tend to not use traditional game engines. This game, however, does use a more standard "engine" in HTML5 and the canvas. I was not originally planning to make a game for GMTK 2022, but after hearing the theme, and having a long flight back from vacation I decided to give it a shot! Thus I opted for something a bit more traditional, but to keep up my arbitrary and ridiculous rules for myself, I decided to make this game allowing only 1 JavaScript file and trying to make the final compressed zip as small as possible (inspired by the js13k game jam). I am happy to say the entire zip of this game is only 46KB! While a far cry from the 13k limit of the inspiration, I choose to add sounds and images that I would have otherwise not included, or reduced for 13kb.

This whole this was written in only about 24 hours due to when I was able to start, so this is definitely more of a proof of concept. It relies a bit too much on RNG for my liking and doesn't have a ton of entertainment push to keep you playing, but hey, it's something!

How To Play:

The goal of the game is to advance your character (The Star) as far up the grid as you can. You can create links from you player to adjacent dots that your player will follow when you end your turn. To draw a link, first click on your character then, drag to an adjacent dot. You can then click again on that ending dot to continue a new link from that point. The links must form a singular chain, meaning it must start at the player and have a singular distinct end point. If you click on a dot with 2 links already running off it, the chain will reset down to the point in the chain you have clicked.

Below is a screen shot of the game with colored boxes and numbers linking to explanations of what everything is and does! If you feel like there is something I have missed let me know!

1) This is the computers dice. It starts out as a three sided die (don't ask how), but after a short while (See #2) it will transform into a six sided die. The number shown on this die is how many grid spaces vertically the orange box (#12) will move up when you end your turn. If this orange box catches you it's game over!

2) This is how many rolls are left before the computers die will switch to a six sided die. Make the most of it while you can!

3) This is how far away the computer is from you. This allows you to track your safety & also difficulty while the box is not on screen.

4) These are power-ups and power-downs. Power-ups (green) help you in some way, by either adding to your moves in a turn, or changing you dice for a roll (i.e All evens, or all 5's). Power downs are the opposite and hurt you (i.e 3 less moves or all 1's)

5) This is your player and shows where you currently are!

6) This blue line is a link and is used for you to map out your path for the given turn. By pathing over a power up or power down, you will collect it! You don't have to use all your moves in a turn, but you will lose any unused moves!

7) This is a dot. This a place where you can use a link to navigate your player to! These dots can also spawn missing as holes, or obstacles you have to path around!

8) This is your die! This will be rolled each turn to determine how many moves you will get!

9) This shows your current moves left for the turn, adjusted with any power-ups or power-downs, and any placed links

10) This button will end your turn and process your placed links to move your player and collect any power-ups or power-downs

11) This is a list of effects that are currently being applied to the given turn

12) This orange box is the computer. Don't let it catch you or it's game over! It moves up grid spaces equal to what the computer rolls for its turn once you end yours!


GMTK2022.zip 63 kB


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Impress that this is so small and made with on JS file. Nice work!